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Newest Members
Janice Adams
Ken Atteberry
Johnny Augmon
Paul Dean Baier
Stan Behnke
Vicki Berglund (Dipman)
Barbara Boese (Bowman)
Jerry Bussard
Edra Chlumsky (Stroud)
Tommy Clarkson
Curtis Clutter
Diana Cole (Armbruster)
Linda Comer (Richardson)
Virginia Coulson (Dean)
Raymond Courtney
Patsy Cram (Nelson)
Dianne Fertig (Rohar)
Patti Fisher (Disomma)
Janet Fox (Skelton)
Diane Freeman (Myers)
Garvan Galliart
Joe Greve
Carolyn Hansen (Eichman)
Kolita Kirchgassner (Hullett)
Richard L. Lewis
Carmen Long (Conard)
Darrell Ohnmacht
Billy Rademacher
Wanda Ream (Schmidt)
Margaret Rice (Hale Also Gray)
Linda Seltman (Bryan)
Gary Shover
Lavada Simmons (Rowe)
Carol Smith (Schoenthaler)
Jilinda "Jill" Smith (Johnson)
Joe Spreier
Charlene Stewart (Smith)
Cheryl Tabler (Kring)
Jerry Tammen
Ron Wells
Beth (Reita) Wilson (Burke)
Larry Zink